Oh my God! I've never seen so many hippies before in my life. They're nice people, but I have a feeling that the shampoo market around here is in the shitter. Lots o' hippies indeed, but the gay population helps balance out the census. As a matter of fact, with all the hippies and gays, there's only about 50% of women here that you can say with certainty that are straight. I have nothing against hippies or gays; I'm just stating the obvious. Some of my best friends are hippies and gays... ok, maybe not, but I have at least one hippie friend and one gay friend and one that is possibly both. Most of my friends are comedians that have grown bitter due to failed relationships. they're nice guys, just don't get them started on the sanctity of marriage.
Alright, I had to drop off some dry cleaning. A suit and a sports jacket that had what I could only hope was a chipotle mayo stain on it. "You can pick it up at 4:30 tomorrow." Then off to down town Asheville. Camera in hand, I walked along the Grove Arcade (which was used to house the Declaration of Independence and Constitution during WWII, btw. Trust me, you want me on your team for bar room trivia.), grabbed a chocolate malt at the Woolworth lunch counter, snapped a few shots of Basilica St. Lawrence, and headed on back to the lab.
Joshua teaches classes on paranormal investigation and I sat in on one with Shelly. The class was covering psi phenomena. In a demonstration using Zener cards, we got some very interesting results. I also had a Kirlian photo taken (for those of you not familiar with Kirlian photography, get to googlin'). I've heard the argument "if psychics exist then why don't they play the lottery?" I have an answer, but it is so well thought out that my philosophical prowess would make me irresistible to women, and I couldn't seep at night knowing that any woman who reads this blog would never be satisfied courting any other man. Consider the omission of this answer my contribution to humanity.
Late in the night, we were joined by paranormal blogist Micah Hanks (GralienReport.com). Micah is a musician and member of L.E.M.U.R. For some reason, I've never been able to spend more than 5 min. talking to him in the past even though we've met a number of times. However, this evening we were able to make up for it by exchanging stories of how we had been profiled by the police. That's worth at least an hour of conversation.
So what's on the plate for tomorrow? Tune in to find out. Same Joe time. Same Joe channel. However, that channel is an aerial digital broadcast, so it will freeze up every thirty seconds and occasionally you'll lose the signal completely. Thank goodness the Guberment made us switch over.