Sunday, December 7, 2008

Puerto Rico '08 - Intro

I arrived at the airport at 0630 on November 17 to catch a connecting flight through Atlanta, then it was Adios, Mainland and Hola, Puerto Rico. The reason: a five day paranormally themed vacation covering catacombs, cathedrals, catamarans, and cupacabras. I was looking forward to a trip filled with UFOs, ghosts, and bioluminescent dinoflagellates (we'll get into that later).

First let's meet the crew. The group of people I accompanied was assembled by paranormal expert, author and radio host
Joshua P. Warren.

Lauren, his wife.

His boy Elroy... I mean Washington D.C. videographer and photographer C. Eric Scott.

Kansas City surgeon Dr. O. Allen Guinn, III, M.D.

and making the furthest trip,

Canadian Robert Ross.

Hey! Let's not forget this guy. It wouldn't be much of a Joe Southards Blog without
Joe Southards

The purpose of this excursion was to explore the legends, mysteries, and just plain strange aspects of the island of Puerto Rico. To help us with this goal was a small cast of supporting characters.

Mike the expatriate... sort of.

He's a retired former Asheville, NC inhabitant who now lives in Old San Juan.

Manuel the guide.

Who better to show you around than a native of the area who has an encyclopedic local knowledge.

David the spiritualist.

David is a gringo who now has lived in Puerto Rico for over a decade. He's also a practitioner of a religion known as Santaria.

The trip wasn't to be all business of course. A healthy sampling of local libations and cuisine was among the plethora of culture we took in. Locally made rum, cerveza, mofongo, coconut, and plantain dishes were just a few of the local favorites that quickly gained our favor. I hope that you can get enough from this blog to whet your appetite and visit the "rich port" for yourself. It is time well spent in a land of interesting and hospitable people. It would be impossible to leave disappointed.

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