Lexington. I had spent a little time there about six years ago when I was a salesman. Interesting place. One time back then, some coworkers and I happened upon a quaint Irish pub. We got there early and started drinking. Eventually the crowd filled in and I had to "break the seal". In the bathroom, there was a gentleman talking on his cell phone and I noticed he had and Irish accent. "Imagine that", I thought. An actual Irishman in this Irish bar in Kentucky. In Nashville, we don't get many Irish persons at Dan McGuinness or McFadden's or Bailey's or Mulligan's... you get the point. And there was a real to life Irish guy in this place. When I left the restroom, I noticed that everyone in the bar was Irish. What the ef, man? Eventually someone explained that due to the large horse breeding and training industry in the area, many Irish folks have moved to the area to practice their craft. But whenever I stop to ask for directions, is it ever a bonnie Irish lass looking to party with a 6'5" American mutt? No, it's always Dina the meth addict holding a sign that says "Tooth Fun" (I'm pretty sure the sign was supposed to say 'Fund', but maybe meth IS tooth fun). You can't let that discourage you though. Lexington has a great scene, but I'll only be discussing one place in this blog entry.
A comic buddy of mine, Greg, moved to Lexington some months back and sometimes runs a comedy show at a nice little place called The Chase Taproom. Unfortunately, you can't smoke in the bars in Lexington, but some places such as Chase will let you drink outside. So I forgive them.
This was Greg's first anniversary of performing standup and a few Nashville-based comics, including myself, headed up to perform. Here's Greg:
He's a lady's man as you can tell. His girlfriend Liz:
Her interests include large jewelry and guys with Wolverine beards.
Among the comics that I performed with were Terry Cliburn, Angela Hill, and X Man.
It was a great show. This was my second time performing there. The crowd has been awesome both times. Last time I was in town, after the show, a couple Greg knows invited us over to their place and I drank a lot. "Can I get you something to drink?" "A beer would be great." "Ok. How about this huge glass of whiskey instead.?" Good people. Here's a link to my other blog describing the last time I was there.
I can't really comment on the food in Lexington. My culinary indulgences there are limited to Waffle House and honey roasted peanuts, but the beer selection at the bars is awesome. Kentucky isn't just a bourbon state. Below is our bartender Steve and some drunk chick he pissed off.
Kentucky also has a great group of people living there. Everyone has been very friendly. Here's Nikki. She's a medical technologist and has a special talent that would probably be rather uncouth to mention. No, it doesn't involve a ping pong ball... but it could.
Greg was kind enough to let me crash at his place. Great view from 14 stories up. I think this is a church or something.
All in all a great trip. It's a 3-4 hour drive one way but a couple mp3's of Coast to Coast AM on my ipod made it extremely bearable. I'll be heading to Asheville, NC next week so it looks like I'll be brushing up on my government conspiracy knowledge on they way over there. The Bele Chere festival will be going on and I'll be doing some interesting things with Joshua Warren who you may remember from the Puerto Rican entries that started this blog. I'm looking forward to it. Asheville was just rated No. 1 beer town in America (tied with Portland, OR). I'll have to test that judgment for my self. Until next time, stay smokin', my friends.
hi joe. glad i got to meet ya on your trip to lex. love the blog (it looks similar to mine), but that pic of me is terrible! i'll have to get the cute one of us together somehow to you.
hope to see you back here soon!
Its actually 20 stories, the first eight or so are parking garage. Wearing out your punching-arm is going to your brain!!!!
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